Saturday, 9 June 2012

Valuing the Journey.

I think the greatest appeal to me about learning in this program is the fact it is never ending. Finishing things has never been something I have felt comfortable with, the linear progression from start to end has always lost me, and lost me quite appropriately for the topic, in the middle. I love middle's, the lingering place where you can take tangents, actually feel yourself expanding as you learn. I believe so long as you are learning, there is no end. Diverting off topic, I believe this is why teachers of students need to frequently continue to learn, to put themselves in their juniors shoes so they are constantly reminded how it feels to master  a level of excellence along the cycle from unconscious incompetence (you don't know what you don't know), concious incompetence, concious competence to unconscious competence...and  around again.

Valuing the journey for me has been about keeping the big picture in mind always, committing just to be positive, progressive and natural. My own expectations of myself have always been my most limiting factor, I can be so hard on myself I can cloud my own passions. Learning how to separate myself from ambition enough to let myself learn, and be kind to myself has been challenging. I frequently remind myself exactly how lucky I am to go and simply play with my horse, who offers feedback to my own mind and how its affecting my body language and communication with her, so acutely I cannot credit knowing myself like I do without also crediting my time with horses. She really is my mirror. Animals speak a universal language by instinct, and I think humanity could really be enlightened to many lessons if we began to nurture a kinship with all life that seems so diluted in our disharmony and lack of receptiveness with our surrounds.

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