Sunday, 29 April 2012

What does Parelli mean to me?

Parelli is not just a way with horses for me, it is an attitude to life. Growing up with the philosophies, core values and teaching of Pat and Linda Parelli and the Australian instructor team has shaped the way I value my own life, interact with others, enhance my relationships with fellow human beings, set goals and problem solve. 

It has taught me to think laterally, not be so direct line, value the relationship above all else. I have been challenged with the ideas to be natural, positive but also continually progressive. The last concept in particular meant being comfortable with being uncomfortable, and facing one of my greatest causes of unease...change! Parelli has helped me become more mentally, emotionally and physically fit. I am able to see the larger concept of an idea but be able to break it apart, isolate elements and learn in chunks that can be pieced together later.I have a greater understanding of who I am, my boundaries, and responsibilities within relationships. I know more about how to read horses than ever before and am both dedicated and addicted to learning more! Being able to assess what kind of leader you need to be for your horse to feel safe, calm, willing and motivated is such a vital skill and I regularly transfer that to university, family and workplace interactions.

The most recent and greatest lesson I have learnt is not to underestimate my abilities and honour my own life by seeing  my dream to become a Parelli instructor  as an accomplishable one. Not accomplishable in the sense one day I will wake up and tick it off my life's to-do list, but more just an internal permission I gave myself to let myself grow continually, and not deny myself any oppurtunities that may stem from that. Being able to motivate myself even on the days where everything seems a little difficult is kept alive by the dream. I am slowly realising that I cannot  do this by myself, I need to ask the support network around me to help me live my dream, no one can do it alone!

Most of all Parelli is part of my identity. There are other parts of my life, sure. I am family orientated, study at university, have a fantastic boyfriend and a healthy friendship network. I love hiking, yoga, cups of tea, the beach and camping. But there is a part of me also that says, this is who I am, and what I stand for. No one can take away the feeling that my soul is on fire with passion for what I do, and my heart so at ease with joy when I am with horses.

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